School Rules and Regulations
The school seeks to create and sustain a learning environment that is safe, respectful and caring for all. Every pupils is responsible in creating a positive learning environment through self-management and responsible decision making. Each pupil is to be respectful of others and their property in the learning environment.
1. General Conduct
- Pupils are expected to uphold the good name of the school at all times and in all places.
2. National Anthem, Pledge and School Song
- Pupils who are Singapore Citizens must sing the National Anthem and take the pledge. Pupils will take the pledge with their right fists placed over their hearts.
- Pupils must stand at attention during the flag-raising and pledge-taking ceremony.
- Pupils are to sing the school song.
3. School Attendance and Punctuality
- It is compulsory for every pupil to attend school. Absence from school is only permitted when it is supported by a medical certificate from a doctor or a letter of excuse from the parents / guardians.
- Pupils will not be granted permission for vacation before the term ends.
- Pupils must observe punctuality at all times. Students are to be in school by 7.25 am during school days (unless otherwise stated) for the flag-raising and pledge-taking ceremony.
- Pupils are not allowed to leave the school premises during curriculum time or before supplementary / remedial lessons / CCA without the permission of the Principal, Vice-Principal or Heads of Department. Any such act will be considered as truancy.
4. Attire
- Pupils are to wear the prescribed school uniform. Modification to the uniform is not allowed.
- Pupils must be in full school uniform when attending classes, including enrichment classes. The school PE T-shirt and PE shorts are to be worn only during CCA, PE and PAL lessons.
- For security reasons, pupils should be attired in school uniform when they come back to school during the holidays.
- White shoes are to be worn. Socks must be plain white and must cover the ankles.
All pupils must look neat and tidy in appearance. They are expected to come and leave the school in proper attire, such as:
- Attire shown in photo (a) or (c) for the boys
- Attire shown in photo (b) or (e) for the girls
5. Hair and Appearance
- All pupils are expected to keep their hair neat and tidy. Tinting, bleaching and colouring of hair are not permitted.
- Boys must be clean shaven. They must keep their hair short and are not allowed to spot beard, moustache or long side burns. Hair must not touch the collar of the shirts. Fancy styling, sideburns, ducktails, undercut and high-shaven sides are not allowed.
- Girls who wish to keep their hair length beyond the collar of their blouses would have to tie them up neatly. Bangs that touch the eyebrows are to be clipped up neatly. No fancy hairstyles are allowed.
- Hair accessories should be kept simple and in black or dark blue only.
- No jewellery or any item of personal adornment (e.g. bracelets, neck laces and wristbands) is to be worn. Girls who have pierced ears may wear a pair of small, round ear-studs of simple design.
- Nails must be kept short and without nail polish.
6. Prohibited Items
Students are not allowed to have in their possession any form of weapon.
Students are not allowed to bring any weapon-like item, which can be used or intended to be used to cause harm to others.
Students are not allowed to bring items that are disruptive to teaching and learning such as card games and toys. Unauthorised electronic devices capable of capturing, storing, displaying and/or transmitting visual, audio or verbal information, are strictly not allowed in school.
These restrictions apply to Learning Journeys, CCAs and any school events, unless permission has been granted by the school. Students who are found with the prohibited items will have the items confiscated.
Confiscated items can only be collected by the student’s parents/guardians.
7. Responsible Use of Mobile Phones
Students are discouraged from bringing smartphones/smartwatches to school. A declaration form is to be completed via Parents Gateway before students are allowed to bring smartphones/ smartwatches to school. Students who bring their smartphones/smartwatches are to adhere to the following guidelines as listed below:
- Devices must be switched off during school hours, including recess, CCAs, and after-school programmes (e.g. supplementary/ enrichment/remedial lessons). This rule also applies to out-of-school activities such as camps and Learning Journeys.
- Devices are prohibited in exam venues.
- Devices can only be used after school in front of the General Office for emergency calls or texts to parents. They are not for recreational use (e.g., gaming, phototaking, video-recording and visiting social media).
- Devices must be kept in school bags until school hours end.
- Students are responsible for their devices; the school is not liable for any loss of the devices.
- Non-compliance with these rules will result in device confiscation, and parents will be contacted for collection. The school may also revoke device privileges if necessary.
8. Responsible Use of Technology
- Students are to use media and technology responsibly and with care.
- Any improper, unlawful, or incorrect use of information such as posting
inappropriate pictures/videos of themselves or others, making inappropriate
comments that hurt themselves or others and using vulgar language online are
considered as abuse of technology.
- Unauthorised access, use or interception of computer service will be dealt with severely. For example, using another person’s ID and password without proper authority to access data or a programme; alter, delete, copy or move a programme or data; unauthorised output of data – removal of information; and hacking of computer systems to gain free internet services/Wi-Fi.
9. School Examination Policy
- In the assessment venue, pupils are not permitted to have in their possession, any unauthorised equipment or materials even if the pupils do not intend to use them. Examples of prohibited items include:
- Written notes, enclosed instructions, fact sheet, exam question papers, including those of other subjects;
- Any unauthorised electronic, communication, entertainment of gaming devices capable of capturing, storing, displaying and / or transmitting visual, audio or verbal information. For examples, mobile phones, cameras, tablets, smart wrist watches and glasses, and pens with image-capturing capabilities.
Pupils must be equipped with their own stationery, including mathematical sets and calculators. Pupils must use black or blue pens with indelible ink that cannot be removed by fiction and 2B pencils for shading of Optical Answer Sheets. Borrowing from other pupils during the examination is not allowed.
All absentees must produce a valid Medical Certificate or official supporting documents.
- These documents should be given to their Form Teacher immediately when they return, or prior to their absence, if applicable.
- Letters from parents for sick leave are not accepted.
- Pupils with no valid medical certificate or valid official supporting documents will obtain zero mark for that component / paper.
Application of leave from examination due to external examinations and / or competitions will need to be done prior to the examination. Approval of the leave is up to the school’s discretion.
For computation of marks for pupils with valid absence, please refer to the school handbook for details. The school will only consider him / her for school-based academic awards only if he / she meets the internal assessment criteria.
The school takes a serious view of DISHONESTY during examinations.
- This includes cheating, any attempt to cheat, or any attempt to assist in cheating, during or after the examination
- Errant pupils may be barred from the examination
- Marks will be deducted
Pupils are expected to be punctual for all examinations
- Pupil who is late for the examination will not be given extra time
- The school will consider not allowing the pupil to take the examination if he /she is more than 30 minutes late, without valid reasons.
10. Possible Actions Taken by the School:
- Verbal Warning
- Written Warning
- Caning
- Class Apology
- Compensation
- Deduction of marks (for cheating cases)
- Detention
- Downgrade or Removal of School Awards
- Home Involvement
- Police Assistance
- Referral for Professional Counselling or Learning Behavioural Support
- Referral to External Agencies for Expertise Support and Help
- Referral for Self-Management Workshops
- Reflection Session
- Removal of Leadership Position
- Service Work Order
- Suspension
- Other actions that are deemed appropriate by the school